
Monday 13 April 2015


Most of us enjoy android because of the beautiful graphical user interface (GUI) it offers and of course the "apps"... remember the slogan "you are what you eat". So, the apps you use on your android would go a long to determine how best you would enjoy it... therefore, we have decided to give you some of the best apps (new and old) that are making waves this 2015.

1).    Opera max (free): this is for you if you know you don't have unlimited data plan. This app practically reduces the amount of data your opera browser consumes by shrinking the sizes of pictures and videos? yes videos... it saves you about one-third or half of your data

Opera Max Best Android App 2015

2).    Pocket (Free) : have you seen an article online and you can't read it maybe because of time or your battery is low, Pocket allows you to save articles and videos, viewing them across any of your devices, Pocket is perfect for bookmarking the things you've missed. You don’t even need an internet connection, as it all works offline.

Pocket Best Android App 2015

3). Google Play Music (Free)

Google Play Music Best Android App 2015

Google launched this app last month, and performs a similar task to the Amazon music player it allows you send your music to the cloud at no cost. You can play back tracks using this app, or via any browser on a PC

4).  VLC Player (Free)

VLC Player Best Android Apps 2015

Name a video format that some video players cannot play please? are you done? This video player plays practically any video file you can throw at it, VLC Player for Android is indispensable.
It's easy to see why so many PC users have made it their media player of choice. And, thanks to its open-source development, updates are transparent and you always know what functionality your device can or can't support.

 5). Duolingo (Free)

Duolingo Best Android App 2015

Always said you’d learn a second language but just never got round to it? Perhaps it seemed to daunting to jump into learning German, or the thought of splashing out on lessons you might not even use wasn’t too appealing. Well, this is where Duolingo swoops in and saves the day.
Duolingo lets you learn Spanish, German, French, Italian and five other European languages, and uses the art of gamification to help motivate you to keep learning.
Through a mixture of photos, speech, audio, and typing, you’ll pick up the basics of any language rather quickly. And, thanks to the short lessons you never feel like you’re spending too much time on improving your linguistic skills.
You still have to persevere through tougher sections, but Duolingo helps you through with motivational reminders and the occasional prod to revisit past lessons.
The best part about Duolingo? It’s completely free.

 The apps above are from the observations of the blogger, mind you there are 5 more slots up for grabs for your most favorite app... comment below the name of your favorite app and let
us see if it can take a space in the other available slots....

All apps available on googleplay store

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